
Putting Profits in Your Pockets

As a Farm Credit borrower, you become a member of a cooperative—a business that is owned and controlled by the people using their services. As a cooperative, we can return the profits of our successful operations to our members—the owners—in the form of a patronage refund. 

These dividends are based on the amount of business that you do with the cooperative and can significantly reduce your cost of borrowing money. At the end of each fiscal year, Farm Credit determines its income and expenses. Income remaining after all expenses are deducted (net income) can then be distributed to members in accordance with the bylaws of the company. Your board can elect to; retain all of the net income to strengthen our capital position, or distribute some or all of our net income by declaring a patronage refund.

If you still have questions, contact us and talk to a loan officer. They can give you all of the details and give you a comparison of the rate you are paying now versus the rate after deducting the patronage refund.

2021 Earnings and Patronage Refund Press Release

Our Recent Patronage Refund History










2019* $16,539,640
2018* $11,017,838
2017* $10,567,209

*The refunds for these years were higher than normal due to special distributions from our funding bank.


  • Colonial Farm Credit Patronage

    Colonial Farm Credit is a member-owned cooperative and we return a portion of our profits directly to our customers.

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